Friday, December 28, 2012

2012 Look back and even more to look forward to in 2013

As the New Year approaches I tend to look back and think back on what I did and what I can't wait to do in the coming year.  There were SO many great things that happened in 2012, but the biggest thing also led me to my number one plan (I don't like resolutions because I nail down things that don't have an end date).  After being chosen to be a ENERGYBits Brand Ambassador, I was able to connect with some pretty amazing people!  One, in particular, was Sloane Pitman.  A bright young, fit freak like myself. After reading her story, I realized we had more in common than just fitness.  We both battle with our relationship with food.

(FYI- THIS IS WHERE I GET A LITTLE MORE SERIOUS..Skip these next paragraphs if you don't like serious talk and feelings..)

Ever since I can remember I've always had a little "extra."  I've never been overweight or anything, but I've never had a flat stomach or felt 100% comfortable in a bikini.  So starting at a young age I would try and run extra or cut back on food.  Other times I would have a bad day or stressful week, so I'd binge and feel like even more crap.  I'd always tell myself that I'm going to stop and just eat healthy, then the "fluff" would definitely come off and I'd look like all the girls in the fitness magazines I read.  Well, strange thing never really happened.  I'd eat healthy, but then I'd indulge a little around birthdays or holidays, enjoy a cocktail or two, and I'd be right back at it..trying to analyze everything that went into my body, counting every calorie, measuring EVERYTHING.

It wasn't until after I read about Sloane's "freEDom" (freedom from eating disorders or disordered eating) and I was thinking really deeply, this past week, about what I really wanted to change in myself.  The number one thing that coming back was I wanted to eat and feel good, eat a piece of pie at Thanksgiving and not regret it, or have a margarita and not secretly hate myself for it because I knew exactly where it was going.  So this year instead of a weight loss or fitness related goal for 2013, I'm going to NOT diet.  Does this mean I'm going to stuff my face with whatever I want?  No, it just means I will eat what I know my body needs to complete what I demand of it and not worry if I indulge a time or two.  I want to get back to being able to go out with my friends and enjoy myself, instead of stressing so much and staying home to avoid temptation.

Okay..feelings and seriousness is over, so here's my main highlights from 2012 in pictures :)

My first duathlon

My 5th Full Marathon

I started CrossFit

My first Warrior Dash

I lost my best friend

My first vacation since I can remember that didn't involve a race..or any agenda

My first triathlon

My first Ragnar! RagnarGR

My first CrossFit Competition

Sub 25min 5K with my amazing cheerleaders

My boyfriend got to come for the first time to one of my races!  (he was a collegiate baseball player)
Being chosen as an ENERGYBits Ambassador

Being chosen as a Girls Gone Sporty Ambassador

While that's great and all; I CAN'T wait for what fate has in store for me in 2013...Here's a few things I have on my schedule and I'll see what life decides to throw in between..

3rd Half Marathon (February)

2nd Duathlon (April)


CAMPING post-graduation in Colorado (May)

4th Half Marathon (June)

2nd Triathlon (August)

Ragnar Las Vegas?! (October)

What're your highlights from 2012? What's on your goal list?  Do you have any plans for 2013? 

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Almost Human again...**GIVEAWAY WINNER ANNOUNCED**

SORRY it has taken me so long to announce the EnergyBits winner.  After finishing my finals on Friday I came down with a pretty nasty cold.  I was pretty much in bed every day/all day until yesterday!  But I'm feeling almost back to normal, so without waiting any longer...


a Rafflecopter giveaway

ANDI M.  Please send me an email to:, so I can send you your goodies :)  And you too can be #PoweredByBits

Don't forget even if you didn't win, use my discount code GONEBEAST on EnergyBits website to take a little off :)