Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Put your excuses away and BE SMART!

This is for all my runners, walkers, and bikers out there.  I was pondering while running, which rarely happens, that people don't think when they are exercising outside.  We trust other's WAY too much.  When I see people by themselves they're at night or with headphones stuck in their ears.  Here's my tips I've learned (the hard way) to be safe while running.

1. TURN OFF THE MUSIC!  Yes, I know people say their only motivation to get out the door is turning on their MP3 player or other music device.  Well guess what...get used to being bored or find another way to get you motivated (the fresh air, the endorphins, or fitting into your skinny jeans).  If you're on a trail did you know that some bikers can get up to 50mph??  If your headphones are in how can you get out of their way in time??  There's been DEATHS in my town and in others because runners fail to hear the cyclists warning, "ON YOUR LEFT."  You need to be aware of your surroundings!  No, it's not okay to wear one headphone...get rid of the music PERIOD!  It's not hard to run or bike with no music.  Like I said in my previous post..fighting cancer is hard, losing a child is music IS.NOT.HARD!

2. BRING YOUR PHONE.  If anything happens and you're not near somewhere you can borrow a're screwed (sorry, no other way to put it).  I've learned this the VERY HARD way.  There has been SOO many times that I have gone out when it is too hot and run.  I've gotten too far away from home or my car and I've been stuck.  I'm dehydrated with no access to water or a car.  There's been a couple times I've had people pull over their cars and ask if I need a ride home..that's how bad I looked.  I've also been running when it's too icy.  Most normal people avoid the icy trails and sidewalks, but not me.  I've fallen, luckily on my backside, too many times to count, but what would you do if you fell on your elbow and didn't have a phone to call someone?  I know it's annoying to carry around a phone, but you'll regret it the day you don't and you need it..I've been there and IT BLOWS.

3. LISTEN!  Like I said be aware of your surroundings.  Not only your physical, but also to what you can hear.  After 4 years of training for endurance events, I've gotten pretty decent at listening to everything that's around me.  People call me jumpy, but at least I can hear the bunny or leaf jump behind me.  I specifically listen for cars that are moving extra slow, bike tires, and footsteps.

4. LET SOMEONE KNOW.  Tell someone you live with or text/call someone that you're heading out by yourself and about how long you think you'll be.  That way when you haven't told them you're back within that time limit; they can get help sooner.  Even better, find a running partner.  Running with people is the best thing you can do for yourself.  They'll push you harder, they'll motivate you, and you'll probably have A LOT more fun.  Oh..and you'll be safer!!  But I know that not everyone likes to do this (me included), so at least tell people you're leaving!!!

5. CARRY MACE.  Don't be stupid, protect yourself!  I have no preconceptions...I am a female, 5'0", 120#..I'm a worm in a fish tank!  Yes, when instincts kick-in and I'm in danger, I'll do things I never thought possible, but I'm still going to protect myself.  I always carry mace with me when I run, no matter the time I run at.  You can get fairly cheap and discreet looking spray from any running or athletic store.

6. DAYLIGHT AND TRAFFIC.  Run during daylight as much as's just safer to run when people can see you.  Also, once you find a route or trail figure out when the busy times are.  Do your exercise during those times.  Yes, it may be annoying and get congested, but personally I'd rather be safe than have all the space I want.

7. ROUTES.  Last, but not least find multiple routes you can use and use a different one each time you run.  Circulate your routes.  Not only will you not get as bored as quickly, but then other drivers or people won't get to know your routine..which yes is a bad thing!

Now I'm not trying to scare you into exercising indoors (hell, I HATE treadmills).  I just want you to be safe.  I don't want you to be naive, but don't get paranoid.  Just because someone honk or yells obscene comments to you; does NOT mean they're going to do anything to you.  Be honest with yourself..if something looks sketchy, avoid it!  I hope you learn something about being safe or it pressures you to do the safety tips you've known you need to do.

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