Thursday, October 25, 2012

8-Week Nutrition Challenge!

My CrossFit box is having a nutrition challenge for the next 8 weeks and I was crazy enough to join!!  It was a $50 buy-in, but I have an opportunity to win it all back!!  Here's the rules, as written by one of the coaches:

Okay, if you're not as skilled in reading messy handwriting (I've had life-long practice with my dad's atrocious'd think he was a doctor); I'll explain here:

  1. It's a combination of zone and paleo (don't worry I'm not done explaining).
  2. For the paleo aspect: 
    1. Eat all meats, nuts (NO peanuts are not nuts), seeds, and veggies
    2. Some fruit is allowed (eat it with breakfast or post workout; try and avoid it later at night, unless you workout at night).
    3. Little starch (a little is allowed around workouts and morning)
    4. NO SUGAR! (fake sugars are included in this, so dump that crap down the drain!)
    5. Keep alcohol VERY limited
  3. For the zone aspect: 
    1. He took our measurements (weight, body fat %, butt, waist, and arm)
    2. Based off all these he gave us our "blocks" (instead of using calories, zone uses blocks, so that you eat more balanced- carbs, fats, and protein)
    3. I was given 12 blocks a day 
    4. We have to break that into 5 meals a day, so I chose: 3 2 3 1 3
      1. This means that at a given meal I will eat that many "blocks" of EACH macro- carb, fat, protein
    5. Then we went over what constitutes as a "block"
      1. In general, most lean meats are 1oz=1block
      2. Eggs: 1egg=1block
      3. It varies with veggies and fruits, but if you google "zone diet" there's really good documents that have how much amount of food= a block
  4. Every night we have to fill out our charts that give us points, or take away, for everything we've ingested and our workouts.
  5. We are also suggested to start taking fish oil (or eat fish) and multivitamins
    1. I choose a fish oil (I HATE fish) and it has a special coating, so it doesn't taste funky
    2. I have a multivitamin from HyVee based on GNC's women's mega (for WAY cheaper)
  6. We also are told to pick 3 meals a week and not worry about zone or paleo.  This does NOT mean to let loose and go crazy; still try and stay healthy, but don't get caught up on staying within the exact blocks.
Okay, so that was a pretty simplified explanation, so if you have any questions: comment below or ask me on my Facebook or Twitter!  Of course, I will still be eating my ENERGYBits before workouts because they fit within my guidelines and they've improved my performance SOOO much!!

Now, why am I doing this?!  Well, recently at CrossFit we've been talking about our weaknesses and nutrition is definitely one of them!  I mean I eat pretty healthy, but I could do so much better!!  Also, it really hit me when one of the girls, that I usually try and keep up with during workouts, said, "I just want to do it to show off all the hard work I put in here."  It's SOOO true; I work my ass off and only eat "pretty" healthy?!  Does that make sense..yeah doesn't to me either!  My sister-in-law tells her friends/coworkers that I'm a "shit, brick house."  Well, I'm pretty small and built, but I'd like anyone on the street who saw me to say that about me!

Also, I decided it was time to make a change and hold myself accountable after the coach took our measurements...yikes!  Now they're not horrible, but NO WHERE near where I would like them.  Here goes..don't judge:
  1. Weight: 125#
  2. Body Fat %: 22.5%
  3. Waist: 29.5"
  4. Butt: 35.5"
  5. Arm: 10.5"
I'd like my BF% in the teens (not low teens though) and my waist closer to 27-26."

I'll leave you with a picture from my breakfast this AM: 1/4 cantaloupe, 3/4 cup egg whites, and 2.25 cup kale sauteed in olive oil.

Do you follow any special diets?  If so, which one?  


  1. Wow!!! This looks intense, but I know you can do it!! Good luck and I can't wait to read about your progress!!

    1. Aww thanks so much!! I can't wait to see my progress

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
