Thursday, October 6, 2011

Chitown and more..

It's finally here!! Only 3 more days and I will be just a few miles from the finish line of the Chicago Marathon.  Like I've said before, those itching days before my races I find that burning passion for running I had the first time I laced up for endurance racing my freshman year of college.  It's the butterflies and knots in my stomach and knowing that 45,000 people this Sunday have the same feelings, dedication, and love I do that gets me pumped.

During my last marathon in Minnesota, the pacer I was running made the most amazing statement that I will always remember, "Only 1 in 100,000 people will ever run a marathon."  Sometimes I forgot how truly amazing we, marathoners are because we tend to surround ourselves with other marathoners, so it seems normal.  In reality though we are a rare class of crazy people who will train for 16-20 weeks piling on mile after mile, running on ice and 10 degrees to heat exhaustion and 100% humidity because that's what was on our training schedule.  We will run 26.2 miles through tears, pain, joy, and accomplishment all for a little medal on a lanyard.  If that's not true love, I don't know what is?

So, if it wasn't clear enough yet- I pretty much can only think about the Chicago Marathon and only have motivation for things involving this.  But, I had some other fun news:  after I finish Chicago I am going to take a little time off of marathons, so that my body can heal and mentally marathons and I need a break.  I have been training since my freshman year of college for endurance races (and that doesn't include cross country and soccer all through high school and freshman year of college).  Now I'm in my senior year- and have yet to take any time off of training for some sort of full-marathon or half-marathon.  So, this upcoming June I'm going to switch it up a bit and participate in a TRIATHLON!!

I'm excited to push my body in a new way (and I think my body will enjoy a little change from just running ;) ).  After Chicago, I am going to try almost only no impact cardio like, cycling, swimming, elliptical, and anything else I can try.  Also, I'll be intensifying my workouts since I do not have to worry about wearing myself out before a long run.  I'm also going to switch up my nutrition entirely (with the help of my trainer, of course) so that I can tone up a little bit and I won't need so many carbs since I won't have to worry about getting up on a Saturday morning and having to run 15 miles.

Well,  that's about all I can get out for now since I can only seem to focus on Chicago!  I'll make sure to post some updates and pictures from Chicago.

So, I will leave you with a quote from one of the running coaches for Team in Training- Nebraska.  He and his wife are truly the most giving, unselfish people I know and they helped get me through my first marathon and find my true passion in running:
    It's an interesting passion we've chosen to pursue: it scares us, it thrills us, it introduces us to feelings us accomplishment we may have never thought possible. Cherish those knots in your stomach -- they're a sign you're on the verge of doing something remarkable." -Dan McCann

One step closer to a hardbody,

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