Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Wholly What Challenge?!?

Strict Paleo for 30 days!  Yep, you read that right...I've dumped my processed foods, my dairy, and I've locked up the alcohol and sweets.

One of the ladies that works out at my CrossFit gym, who is pretty much the most beastly person I have ever met, sent me some awesome documents to help me on my own Whole30 Challenge.  In a nutshell here's what eating "Paleo" means:  eat what humans used to eat before we started processing and making it in bulk.  My meals have consisted of: eggs, green veggies, turkey, lean beef, chicken, some fruit, and nuts (NO peanuts, unsalted).  I know it sounds bland, but I'm going to do it.  I'm not doing it for the weight loss or fat loss.  I'm doing it because I know that I have become WAY too attached to sugar and grains.  Even those pesky sugar alcohols and "fake" sugars are off limits!!  Approved drinks are: black coffee, unsweetened tea, and water..lots and lots of water!

Here's some simple charts that explain the nuts and bolts of Paleo:

I've told just a few people I'm doing this and their response has been (mostly because they've never done it or heard of it), "That sounds too hard."  "That's a lot of dedication."  That's when I started to re-think this decision before I started, but I did anyway.  Then today I got a real nice reality check.  I was looking up on the internet tips to getting through the Whole30 with sanity left and similar topics.  That's when I ran across what the woman, Melissa Hartwig, who started this program said, (just a summary) "It's not hard..Fighting cancer is hard, losing a child is hard."  I then thought WOW she's so right.  This isn't hard.  It's 30 days, that's it!  This isn't even that much dedication.  Dedication is training for 4 years for a 15 second race that you don't even know if you'll win!  

I'm on Day 2 and so far so good.  I found this great article written by Whole30 Challenge: The Whole30 Timeline.  It's spot on these last two days- Day 1 I felt amazing and thought, "Wow this will be great.  I feel awesome, hello walk in the park!"  Day 2- REALITY CHECK!  The author wrote, "the suck is proportionate to the amount of crap you put in your body before the program."  It's so true, I ate pretty healthy, but I did eat a lot of things (including endless amounts of gum) that had sugar alcohols and other fake sugars.  I woke up this morning for spin class and WOW!  I somehow put a smile on my face and was energetic during class, but the minute I stopped the music I wanted nothing to do with human interaction.  The only motivation I had was food and COFFEE!!  Coffee has literally saved my life people's lives...by me not wanting to KILL them.  Today I wanted nothing to do with conversation until I had coffee and once that one wore off I needed another one.  I'm not too worried though because the timeline said that after a while this phase will fade away.  I also noticed that WATER (imagine that) helps SOO much with my energy levels.  When I start getting exhausted I just guzzle down a glass of water and I'm good to go.  

To help curb a little of the sweet tooth I have half a handful of dried fruit (organic, natural AKA no sugars or salts) or a spoonful of this amazing organic almond butter I found..all it is is crushed almonds- NOTHING ELSE.  I think I may have died and gone to heaven!!

I'll be sure to update on how this awesome timeline pans out and I'll post some pictures of the meals I eat.  Here's the first one from Day 1: breakfast after CrossFit, so I added a banana for a little help recovering.  Of course, I had a big cup of black coffee on the side :)  I just keep thinking..less than 30 days; I can do anything for 30 days!

5 eggs and banana

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