Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Exciting News!!!!


In case you didn't read the title, I have some super awesome news!!  I was picked to be a Brand Ambassador for EnergyBits!!  In case you missed my review when I first tried them out; here it is again. 
I wanted to add a little bit more about the company and how it got started.  The founder, Catharine, started this company after her sister was diagnosed with breast cancer four years ago.  Her Oncologist told her to try adding more alkaline to her diet.  Catharine started reading more about green nutrition, gave up her career, studied and taught nutrition, and then launched this wonderful company!  This was another reason I really wanted to be a part of this company, in some way at least.  If you don't know me or my family I'll give you a quick synapses.  My great-grandmother on my mother's side died from breast cancer and my grandmother on my father's side was diagnosed with breast cancer almost two years ago and survived!  I also have numerous other types of cancers floating around my gene pool along with countless other diseases and illnesses.  I have always understood that nutrtion IS your health care, if you don't eat right and put the right things into your body; you're asking for trouble.  Which is why I LOVE ENERGYBits; I don't have to worry about what chemical is going into my body and how it will effect me not just immediately, but 10-15 years down the road.   If my review hasn't persuaded you to switch to "green energy," hopefully that story will :) 
Now what does it mean to be a Brand Ambassador?  Well, it means I get to spread the word to everyone about EnergyBits and how much it has helped my performance!  I will get to give (thanks to EnergyBits) discounts and giveaways to followers, so if you haven't yet make sure you "Like" and Follow EnergyBits on Facebook and Twitter.  Also, "Like" my page, The Young The Fit and Follow me on Twitter for updates on these discounts and giveaways :)
Also, as a Brand Ambassador I'd like to start doing a weekly or monthly nutrition or fitness blog post.  What do you think?  If so, please comment on what you'd like answered or discussed!

Stay tuned for how I will be incorporating EnergyBits into my everyday life and my training!! 


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