Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Okay, seriously I need to figure out how to add sound effects (I feel like the title should have an awesome voice).  If you've ever talked to me you know how much I LOVE using sound effects.  My boyfriend laughs at me all the time when as I make turning and breaking noises when I drive.

ANYWAYS, let's get to business!  This past weekend I participated in my second crossfit competition! Instead, this time we went to one of the other gyms, CrossFit402.  I'll quickly list the three WODs we had to complete, but I'm not going to go into great detail (I could write a novel, if I did).  PS- I used ENERGYBits in between WODs to keep me strong and energized!

WOD #1:
25 Toes 2 Bar (I scaled to Knees to Elbow)
9-7-5 Deadlift and Hang Clean (full squat; 75#)
25 Toes 2 Bar (Knees to Elbow)
Completed in: 8:49min

WOD #2:
3 RDS: Lateral Burpees (over bar) and OH Walking Lunges (10x, 10#)
Use remainder of 8min to find 3RM OH Squat (have to snatch bar into place)
Got 65#

WOD #3:
8min AMRAP
Before you can begin AMRAP: 550m Run and 200 Single Unders
2 Snatch- 2 Wall Walks
4 Snatches- 4 Wall Walks, etc
I got to round 4 and 2 snatches.

I got to peek at the WODs on Wednesday when the hosting box posted them on their blog.  I knew right away that I wasn't going to be placing or even in the running to place.  The WODs contained A LOT of strength and shoulder weaknesses!  Now if there would have been pull-ups, running, burpees, or anything like that; it would have been a different story, but it wasn't.  At first I was little bummed that I would be no where near competitive that Saturday, but then I remembered the whole reason why I started crossfit: TO GET STRONGER.  If I went lower scaled weights and could go faster, would I place?  Maybe, but would I really be improving..probably not.  That's when I decided I would use this competition as a way to push myself; with all these people cheering you on...why not try for higher weights.  What's the worst that could happen?  I don't get it, but at least I tried.

I didn't place, but it felt AMAZING to get those higher weights and to work on my form (my snatch form is awful!).  It was a great competition and I really enjoyed the atmosphere.  I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE NEXT ONE!!!

Does your box compete with other boxes?  Or do you compete within your box?
The athletes from the different gyms
Some of the athletes from my box

This past weekend I had a football/halloween party and kinda hiccuped on the nutrition challenge.  It wasn't terrible; it just wasn't zone and paleo.  I didn't get all bent out of shape and then I felt even better about it when I talked to some of the other people participating, on Monday.  They also talked about how they had fallen off the wagon.  I got back on the next day and didn't think too much about it.

Lunch yesterday..had to use TWO plates!
BY THE WAY: If you're friends or anyone say that eating healthy leaves them hungry..they're doing it wrong!!  Do you see that picture^^^  That was my lunch yesterday; I had to use TWO plates for all my food!!  I can't believe how much I WASN'T eating vegetables.  The amount of vegetables I have consumed in the last week is RIDICULOUS, but it's what I needed to do!  I'll keep you updated on more meals and recipes because raw veggies are getting boring.  

AND here's some more pictures from the competition that I couldn't leave out!

Some of the girls that competed from my box
Me before the last WOD- my mom's an aspiring photographer ;)

What are you going as?  Or did you already have a party, like me??

I was "The Walk of Shame" and my boyfriend (top right corner) was a Rabbi


  1. We are total opposites!!! I love me some power lifting and suck it up at burpees and pull-ups!! But good for you for seeing the opportunity to improve instead of worrying about placing! Very inspiring! Happy Halloween

    1. Thanks!! I can't believe how much I've improved since July!! Happy Halloween to you as well :)
